Week 4 Bird Prints- Maggie and Oli, artists in residence


Here are two final bird prints which conclude our artist in residence!

I was inspired by Oli’s work last week to make a wren print of my own. He says I’ve copied him, but I insist that I’m just taking inspiration from a great artist! It makes me laugh, as I was initially worried that working along side each other might be disheartening for a young artist, but if anything, I’ve been the one to feel overshadowed! I can also say that having a buddy to work with has proved to be very motivating.

Oli drew a frangipani whilst visiting his grandparents this week, and today added a hummingbird.


I was impressed again that this was done with very little fuss, over two short hour-long sessions. We both feel pleased with our work, I think we’re getting better with our lino cutting technique and have many more ideas for future work.

I can’t believe we’re already at the end of our artist in residence! Thanks for inviting us along. We have enjoyed the opportunity to delve into art again and we appreciated the gentle encouragement and the weekly deadline. I thought we would have had more time to create more, but we’re really happy with where we’ve got so far. I am pleased to report that print making isn’t nearly as messy as I remembered it, and working outside takes some of the stress out of it, leaving the kitchen table free for meals. An added benefit to our residency is that our print supplies are now organised and much more accessible.

We’ll be sorry to say goodbye, but we’ve resolved to set aside some time every Tuesday to continue the journey. I’ll let you know how we go!


Thanks so much Maggie and Oli.  I have been really inspired to lino printing a go and will be over for a lesson soon!

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